Iaith Gymraeg / welsh language


Mae gennym lawer o lyfrau sy’n dathlu’r iaith Gymraeg yma yng Ngwasg Firefly. O dylwyth teg i
feiciau modur, mae gennym ystod amrywiol o lyfrau fydd yn mynd â phlant ar antur ac yn porthi eu
hangerdd dros y Gymraeg.
Mae gennym ni hyd yn oed ddetholiad o lyfrau ar gyfer oedolion ifanc a phlant sydd wedi’u gosod
yng Nghymru ac sy’n dathlu ein gwlad ymhellach.


We have lots of books that celebrate the Welsh language here at Firefly Press. From fairies to motorbikes, we have a diverse range of books that will take kids on an adventure and fuel their passion for the Welsh language.

We even have a selection of YA and children’s books set in Wales that further celebrate our country.


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