Loris Owen


Loris Owen was born in Bolton and raised in Zimbabwe. She roamed the world in search of adventure before settling in the Midlands, where she can still be found exploring the canals, navigating mountains of post-it notes, and occasionally disappearing down a vortex of wordplay.

Some interesting facts about Loris: she piloted a plane some time before she first got in the driving seat of a car; her fondest holiday memory is holding hands with a wild green turtle when diving in Oman; her most-played song is Spanish Flea; she enjoys a good puzzle and her favourite word is metagrobologist.

Loris is the author of The Ten Riddles of Eartha Quicksmith and The Myriad Mysteries of Eartha Quicksmith.

Twitter: @writingloris

Facebook: facebook.com/loris.owen.7545

Author website: lorisowen.com

Book and puzzles website: quicksmiths.com



The Ten Riddles of Eartha Quicksmith Loris Owen
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